Notes from 11/11–18/11

i wouldn’t call this ‘perfect customer experience’ but more of nudging customers to continually use Netflix. dangerous.


Dissecting Binance’s Use Case with Chainlink

Chainlink is a decentralised oracle.

Chainlink’s model of weeding out bad/fake data can be applied to any data in the world. Formulate a data feed that confirms that something is true based on multiple feeds of data; thousands upon thousands of data feeds all going through this oracle network, aggregating, and sorting for the TRUTH.

Chainlink and the Trusted Compute Framework

With Chainlink, one could have many nodes sending out random strings to smart contracts, which then create one-time pads for users to encrypt their communication. Then, the TCF and its TEE workers ensure that the trusted hardware creates truly random data, and the oracle node operators relaying this data wouldn’t even know what that data is.

Using Chainlink with the TCF, TEEs, and RNGs has the potential to make a practically impossible to hack random number generator, creating the most secure encryption algorithm that the world has ever seen, while simultaneously making genuine, “trustless” symmetric-key cryptography viable. The implications of this are innumerable and staggering.

Understanding Decentralized Identity

Overall concepts to apply Decentralised Identity. Right now what’s popular is mostly self-sovereign identity.

A self-sovereign identity is a digital identity that is portable across different dApps, does not depend on any government or company, and can never be taken away.

Everything else requires a registry.

More details on China’s upcoming crypto emerge

According to Zhou: The central bank-backed digital currency is not solving a technical problem so much as a coordination-management problem.

Since that’s the case, Zhou concluded:

  • PBoC will focus on the domestic market.
  • China will not legitimize any private sector crypto projects.
  • Maintaining control is core to PBoC’s crypto scheme.

Singapore’s Blockchain Ecosystem –An Industry Report (full article)

1. Singapore’s Regulatory Environment is Primed for Blockchain Experimentation

2. Blockchain as a Value Creation Mechanism

3. How Enterprises and Organization are Collaborating to Utilize Blockchain


My secret sauce to be in top 2% of a kaggle competition

  1. Feature understanding
  • if binary, scatter plots don’t work
  • if continuous, too many data points
  • Featexp helps — histogram works

2. Identifying noisy features (the most interesting part!)

  • noisy features lead to overfitting
  • compare feature trends to identify noisy ones
  • check for trend correlation, trend changes
  • drop features with low trend-correlation

3. Feature engineering

  • creating better features that make sense in predictability

4. Feature importance

  • use these that have higher predictability

5. Feature debugging

  • check if feature’s population distribution looks right
  • hypothesise what the feature trend will look like

6. Leakage detection and understanding

  • data leakage. leaky features have high feature importance

7. Model monitoring

  • re-trained models can be tested

A Simple Guide On Using BERT for Binary Text Classification.

With just one single epoch of training, our BERT model achieves a 0.914 Matthews correlation coefficient

In this case, it’s just for binary text classification


The hardest question you’ve been asked in a data science interview

I want to see how good they are at approaching a relatively unknown problem given their skill set at that point in time, what skills and approaches they learned throughout the whole process, and their problem-solving ability to determine if they successfully solved it.

By the way they answer my follow-up questions as well as the level of detail they share with me with regards to how they solve it, it gives me a pretty good idea on whether they’re someone who can work independently, can work in a group (as they’re explaining the concepts to me and I dig further) and whether I would trust that person at the end of the day.

This is why I said this question is deceivingly difficult because it tells me pretty much everything about the person’s aptitude in a single question.

Create Trending Animated Bar Charts using R

ggplot2 and gganimate

It’s surprisingly complex actually, you need to generate a lot of the individual plots for each year and then make a gif.


Designing a chair: A story about Junior vs. Senior Designers.

thinks about the bigger picture before diving into details, taking in consideration the entire context around the product

more team focused?

And customer focused.

And brand focused.

Yes, and market focused.


real dev

This is super impressive as a concept!

Basecamp Personal

Limited to just 3 projects but hey this might really be revolutionary!

Re-imagining developer productivity with AI-assisted tools

What even? This is pretty amazing. I’ve seen similar methods using clone detection but ML-enabled code refactoring and completion? It was a matter of time.

You don’t know JS yet

Interesting open source course



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