Notes from 28/9–5/10

Hum Qing Ze
3 min readOct 4, 2020



Coinbase is a product led company

Product Lead makes all the key decisions.

Tezos Foundation Report

Nothing in particular stood out


How to take meeting notes

  • Novelty. We don’t repeat things at meetings because we know the person already knows them.
  • Relevance. We talk about things & ideas that are interesting to both parties; we understand this by tracking hundreds of signals from their face, body language, and words in real time. On Facebook, the only feedback channel is likes; I don’t see their “meh” faces when they’re reading my stuff and can’t understand what kind of reaction my ideas trigger.
  • Quality. The quality of information shared during the meeting is higher than in one-to-many publishing on Facebook.
  • Personalization. Sharing ideas with people I know loosely and adding a personal touch (i.e., “hey I thought this would be interesting to you because..”) increases the probability of a note to be read, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of the learning process hierarchy to be completed, changes in the long-term memory created, and transfer to real life occurred.
  • Channels. More and more people stop using socials for content discovery because of ads/low-quality information. This change suggests there’s an opportunity for a new, more personal channel.

How to Be the VIP of Your Product Management Career

Takeaway: Increase your visibility. Let your stakeholders know the “why”, behind your product decisions. Find out where your message is getting lost with your team, and correct that situation.

Takeaway: Use all the tools at your disposal to make and maintain meaningful relationships in your company. Learn to be an empathetic leader who helps others succeed. And strive to create a collaborative experience on virtual sessions like Zoom.


Social cooling — phenomenon

hmmm…. i don’t think people adapt so quickly to these metric though. Also, nobody knows for sure such a thing happens. But then maybe that’s the panopticon effect.


Data Scientists Are The New Investment Bankers

I got clickbaited, nothing particularly useful here


An extensible, interactive visualization framework to measure gender bias in the news

Brilliantly done! i wonder why singapore doesn’t have anything close

Python NLP Tutorial: Information Extraction and Knowledge Graphs

If there was the dataset it’ll be easier to see

How we put a value on every feature in our backlog

Development time vs time saved time

Learn Wordpress

Might be useful, adding to backlog


My experience making an app using a no-code tool

Thunkable is the tool they used. Literally no code at all, purely Scratch-like


Wireflow collaborative flowcharting

Virtually online school

Thunkable low-code tool



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