Notes from 7/9–14/9

NASA Workshmanship standarsd

Hum Qing Ze
4 min readSep 13, 2020

Wow okay iw wonder if people still use this


The Web3 Sustainability Loop

Way too positive

Ethereum Holdings in the ICO Treasury Accounts

Abstract: Following on from our first piece on ICOs in September 2017, which focused on the team members and advisors, in this report we work with TokenAnalyst to track the Ethereum balances of the ICO projects over time. We look at the amount of Ethereum raised and the US$ value of the gains and losses caused by changes in the Ethereum price, for each project. We conclude that rather than suffering because of the recent fall in the value of Ethereum, at the macro level, the projects appear to have already sold almost as much Ethereum as they raised (in US$ terms). Of the Ethereum still held by the projects, even at the current c$230 price, projects are still sitting on unrealised gains, rather than losses.

Understanding Ethereum by studying the source code 🧬

I like the format this blog has taken. And it shows real promise

Token Up #2: Your Complete Guide to Security Token Exchanges

but why would people use centralised exchanges?

Simple Automated Market Making for Dummies

So that’s how it works.

1 NAZ = 2 PLUM

2 / 4 (new PLUM supply) = 0.5

2 (he used this many PLUMs) / 0.5 (to get half a NAZ) = 4

More liquidty, your impact on the liquidity pool is less (this guy wants to buy 2 NAZ)

k = 100 * 200 = 20,000

20,000 / 202 = 99.0099

100–99.0099 = 0.9901 NAZ


Stripe: The Internet’s Most Undervalued Company

Bottom line is, Stripe is brilliant, get to it.

In 7 Powers, Hamilton Helmer writes about the seven moats that a business can leverage to make itself “enduringly valuable.” The case studies in the book highlight companies that use one or maybe two of the seven to build moats that sustain profits over a long time period.

  • Netflix takes advantage of scale economies and counter positioning.
  • Facebook and LinkedIn build network economies.
  • Oracle has high switching costs.
  • Tiffany’s has a powerful brand.
  • Pixar’s “Brain Trust” is a cornered resource.
  • Toyota’s Toyota Production System demonstrates Process Power.

Stripe has all seven.


To be creative Chinese philosophy advises us to abandon originality

This way of thinking about creativity has a variety of other potential benefits. First, even if creativity were taken to aim at originality, de-emphasising originality might ironically result in greater creativity. This is because striving for originality can actually be counterproductive when it comes to achieving genuinely fresh results: if we focus on the task of achieving something original, we’ll explore only the range of possibilities deemed sufficiently likely to yield that result, leaving out a lot that could have contributed to achieving something original.

But imagine instead that we worked with the idea that creativity wasn’t about novelty. That doesn’t mean we’d have to give up the value of originality entirely, but rather see it as one of a range of possible outcomes. Casting a wider net in this way might hence make creativity (whatever it involves) easier to achieve.

Second, focusing on integration could encourage us to better understand creative agents as being intimately connected with, and products of, their environments. This would broaden our notion of creativity in a way that might allow us to see creativity demanded in a greater range of activities. After all, many of life’s activities, from the mundane to the meaningful, aren’t learned by rote, but rather via spontaneous action that integrates contrasting aspects. Just for starters, additional examples might include getting along with one’s family, building relationships with colleagues and organising one’s finances.

Bitcoin: a novel economic institution


Best Python Visualizations on Medium

Nothing particularly new, not sure why they are termed the best

How our Skills Graph is helping learners find the right content to reach their goals

This was done in 2018?


Architecting Open Source applications

Super useful stuff right there, 4 books by open source legends

Life Optimization

Scrutinize your life priorities with a “time audit”

Been doing this for a year, didn’t know a guide was useful. Maybe should do one for myself then


How to Present a Strategy in 6 Slides

  1. Job to be done
  2. Insight
  3. Principles
  4. Visual Model
  5. Tactics
  6. Timing


Code together

Not sure why this is important when vscode exists, but might be good for teaching presentations that convert

Brilliant if you have to do a lot of pitching

Finance As A Service (FaaS) — Tech Stack for Modern Finance Teams

Thought this was a pretty good way to explain these different startups and what they’re doing

Slack 5 remote templates

Daily huddle template looks useful. status updates, request approvals and feedback gathering are next



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